A James Pence Video

If I Were A Terrorist!


I don’t make it a practice to review videos on my SU blog, but this one was too much for me to pass up. Satire at it’s best. Thank you James Pence

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National Association of Independent Artists





There are two bills in congress that if passed will drastically change copyright laws for all artworks:
2D, 3D, film, music, literature – everything.

Read more here:

PublicKnowledge.org This page has an argument for the legislation followed by several rebuttals.

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World Bank Group


Creative Entrepreneurs Going Global

A recommend resource.

World Bank Group

 “Making good business is art.” Andy Warhol

I’ll will admit that the World Bank is one of the most questionable entities on the planet, but not without merit. I also believe that our participation is what it will take to enlighten the consciousness that can alter the policies of all potentially corrupted organizations. We should never underestimate the potential of our moral will; to influence institutions.


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