Read The Bill: H.R. 875 [111th] –

How come the legislators in Washington, that campaign with promises to get government off of our backs, always come up with dumb ass solutions like this. Do you grow a garden, give veggies to friends, sell a little off the back of a truck or give some to the local food pantry. If so you better take a look at this proposal by our, so called, all caring government officials.

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A Senior Moment

This one gave me and my friends quite a chuckle / oddly enough, the humor was lost on my 30 year old son… oh well

A Senior Moment

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:photoschau | driving home

I can’t say enough about Frank. He is one of my earliest and favorite friends on SU. He never ceases to amaze me with his ideas for a photo shoot. Like I’ve said before; “he seems to live in a world of photographic opportunities.” His work is both inspirational and fun to see… thanks Frank

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Walter Craft – An American Troubadour

It’s my privilege to introduce Walter Craft, a troubadour in the truest sense of the word. He is an itinerant folk singer, story teller and road scholar. He has just released his new CD: “Grounds for the Blues.” I will keep you posted as to when you can find it in “web stores” near you.

“Since the beginning of man, the hours between the coming of night and the coming of sleep have belonged to the tellers of tales and the makers of music.” Walter Craft

Earth Day 2006 005 edit 

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