We Are The World 25 For Haiti – Official Video


Every day I get out of a warm bed, put on a hot cup of coffee, grab a bite to eat out of the fridge and when it rains I go lay down and take a nap. These are the simple things we assume will be there. But take it from someone who has been displaced from the comforts of home (lived in a flood zone) more than once. IT AIN’T EASY. The experience quickly erodes a sense of security and hope and the only thing that sustains us is a caring community.

There are so many ways to share a little generosity. Just pick one and do it.

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snifter | Facebook


A young man’s energy finds time to do it all. Jeremy Holt, front man for the Jazz Pop Rock group “snifter” is a working man, a husband and father and above all an intelligent and creative force to be reckoned with. He is a song writer and multi-instrumentalist that has in own independent recording studio… if this is your style, take a little time and give a listen.


© L. Capra aka zenabowli
All Rights Reserved

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Jaymay – One May Die So Lonely


Now this is the real thing.

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Montana Slim String Band

Recorded Live at the Mystic Hot Springs in Monroe Utah


If you have a love for progressive string band music, then you will enjoy twelve minutes of the Montana Slim String Band. This was sent my way from ‘Mystic Dave’, an old StumbleUpon friend from Mystic Hot Springs in Monroe Utah. They have a fine venue there and have built an extensive archive of video recordings; featuring many excellent performers that tour the southwest. Thanks Dave

Sad to say this band is no longer together.  Sometimes, even a good thing has a short life expectancy.  They did leave some excellent recordings.

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(Smokin) Joe Robinson – Today Tonight

Extraordinary Guitar Player


16 year old Smokin’ Joe Robinson. The winner of Australia’s Got Talent contest. The next generations guitar player and a natural phenomena. Truly a musician’s musician. Check out the many YouTube videos of Joe’s exceptional guitar playing. If you play guitar don’t get discouraged… we play because we love it.

Just Plain Folks


This is a good site for folk music lovers and musicians (pro and amateur alike). They have compiled one of the best resource lists that can be found anywhere, plus a news letter to help you keep on top of what’s happening in a thriving folk music community… check it out.


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Bon Iver


Nice to see a hometown boy do good.  Besides being a world class artist… Justin is a damn good guy, proud to say I’ve had the pleasure of pickin’ a few with him; puttin’ on some miles with him, and fellow band members.  I wish him success and recommend checking him out and giving a listen… thanks

Find more of Justin Vernon aka Bon Iver at:




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Walter Craft – An American Troubadour

It’s my privilege to introduce Walter Craft, a troubadour in the truest sense of the word. He is an itinerant folk singer, story teller and road scholar. He has just released his new CD: “Grounds for the Blues.” I will keep you posted as to when you can find it in “web stores” near you.

“Since the beginning of man, the hours between the coming of night and the coming of sleep have belonged to the tellers of tales and the makers of music.” Walter Craft

Earth Day 2006 005 edit 

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