Visions of A Galactic Civilization

Will People of Earth Make the Cut?

Here’s a thought to ponder. Thousands of sperm cells make the swim to fertilize a single egg. Thousands of salmon are hatched, swim to the sea, but only a few will survive and then return to the headwaters to propagate. An oak tree drops thousands of acorns, only a few will become trees. Nature seems to work that way, creating an excess, but only a few will make the cut.

With that in mind… there are billions of stars throughout the galaxies, only a few will have planets that will sustain life at all, much less intelligent life with technological capabilities.   Very few of the planets with intelligent life will manage their natural abundance, rise above selfishness, and one day, become part of a galactic civilization.  Question is… will the people of Earth make the cut? ~ Larry Capra

Carl Sagan Said It Best

Who Speaks for the Earth ~ Carl Sagan

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David Smith ~ Artist

Amazing Gilded Glass Art  

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Edward Abbey – “A Voice in the Wilderness” [video]

  The Ballad of Edward Abbey – Tom Russell

Edward Abby-A Voice in the Wilderness

“A man could be a lover and defender of the wilderness without ever in his lifetime leaving the boundaries of asphalt, power-lines, and right-angled surfaces.  We need wilderness whether or not Continue reading “Edward Abbey – “A Voice in the Wilderness” “

Etta Baker – Piedmont Style Guitar [video]



Predecessor to Finger style Blues Guitar: Before the days of  “Delta Blues” guitar players, there was a finger style country music that became known as the “Piedmont Blues” style of guitar pickin’.  Other players, famous for technique were Elizabeth “Libba” Cotton, Reverend Gary Davis, and Continue reading “Etta Baker – Piedmont Style Guitar “

Anna Mae – Larry Long

A song by Larry Long… “a true American troubadour”

A quarter century ago (damn… that sounds old) I was hosting a folk music venue in an area they call Chippewa Valley of Northern Wisconsin.   One night I hosted a concert for Larry Long, an artist I only knew by reputation.  At the time, he made his way as an itinerant folk singer and activist.  He was a guiding spirit in a movement to clean-up the Northern Mississippi Continue reading “Anna Mae – Larry Long”

Michael Moore on support of Occupy Wall Street protest


On the first of September a handful of citizens started a sit in and protest at Wall Street in New York City. It has grown to thousands people coming form all around the country to continue a day and night protest.
It boggles the mind. The main-street press has managed to keep this story under the radar. What’s this bull shit that we always hear about liberal media. Liberal media would be at the top of the list, when it comes to CONSERVATIVE BUNK.

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Stand For Peace September 2011

On the third Friday of every month, a small band of citizens gather at a noisy intersection in Eau Claire, Wisconsin to STAND FOR PEACE. Some of them are veterans of past wars and some parents of veterans fighting presently in Iraq and Afghanistan.
They are there to remind their fellow citizens that the war is still on and still costing us lives and resources.

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Charlie Chaplin ~ Actor and Film Maker

The Greatest Speech Ever Made

Charlie Chaplin was more than the smart aleck little tramp that he portrayed in silent movies. Talk about being ahead of the curve.

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