Etta Baker – Piedmont Style Guitar [video]



Predecessor to Finger style Blues Guitar: Before the days of  “Delta Blues” guitar players, there was a finger style country music that became known as the “Piedmont Blues” style of guitar pickin’.  Other players, famous for technique were Elizabeth “Libba” Cotton, Reverend Gary Davis, and Continue reading “Etta Baker – Piedmont Style Guitar “

One Love | Playing For Change | Song Around the World

One Love by Bob Marley
An incredible performance by musicians from around the world and produced by Mark Johnson… makes me proud to be a human being… thanks.  

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Folk Alley | Folk Music Radio

Folk, Bluegrass, Alt Country, Celtic, and Progressive Roots Music

Folk Alley provides an “OPEN MIC” (upload) for aspiring artist and performers. They are the default streaming radio station at our house.


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