Inside Out: Changing the World with One Portrait at a Time [video]

JR is a street artist from France. His mission is to create a global art project called Inside Out. He has been all over the world taking photos of people in their communities, enlarging them, and posting them as billboards.


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An open letter to Stumble Upon & Zenabowli’s Art Space

Was Once The State Of The Art Application In Social Media

I will NOT make any further posts to SU after the blog application is ended. There will be no joy in it.

You don’t seem to understand that the blog aspect is what excited so many creative users about SU.

SU has been the web’s best tool for social networking. We have many long term connections around the world. The root of these connections comes from our access to the many ways SU users present themselves. This helps us get a sense of a person we may take an interest in socially. I know people who have gotten together with folks they met on SU. This personal connection is what excites us about the postings we make. You are going from being visually vigorous and exciting, to bland.

If I had been in the board room where your decisions were made, I would have fought against your decisions. It seems like the creators of SU have a great disconnect with SU users. You have made decisions that will do irreparable damage to your brands loyalty. I would have rather have you post adds on the side bar, in order to keep what we have.

I’m sure your repository of searchable sites and SU followers will quickly diminish after you implement your changes. The buzz out here indicates that people are preparing to make their moves from SU.

We are surprised that you have made such an ignorant decision. I have no reason to brag you up any longer. I’m sure you are on your way to becoming a memory. Gone from most favored status to oblivion.

Epilogue to the Stumble Upon story.

Well needless to say, it took eight years before Stumble Upon—that was at onetime the best in social media apps—became a ‘footnote’ in internet history.  As of June 2018 they took down the remaining content, and degenerated into just another pop-culture bu’shit trip.

I still have many friends that I only know on social media.  We met at SU, we were the early users of social media, and still have fond memories of our favorite place to hang out in cyber-space.  Oh well… “life goes on.”


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The First Grader — Make a Difference

A triumph of spirit is always a winner.

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Day 7 Music pt 6

“This is what democracy looks like.”

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Eyes Wander in Wholeo Dome Around 1975, I had the pleasure of sitting in Wholeo Dome designed and built by Caroling Geary, when she lived in Monte Rio California. We were young artists, secluded in the redwoods, forging our creative visions. But, Wholeo Dome (featured once in “Stain Glass Magazine”) was an artistic wonder that had few peers. If my info is correct, Wholeo Dome now has a permanent home at “The Farm’ in Tennessee. Take a look at this short video and get a look from the inside of the dome.

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