Eyes Wander in Wholeo Dome

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ghp_h0vpbw Around 1975, I had the pleasure of sitting in Wholeo Dome designed and built by Caroling Geary, when she lived in Monte Rio California. We were young artists, secluded in the redwoods, forging our creative visions. But, Wholeo Dome (featured once in “Stain Glass Magazine”) was an artistic wonder that had few peers. If my info is correct, Wholeo Dome now has a permanent home at “The Farm’ in Tennessee. Take a look at this short video and get a look from the inside of the dome.

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Playing for Change – Imagine by John Lennon


It’s been 30 years since the senseless murder of John Lennon. Yet, the universe of his vision is still expanding. This is a wonderful cover of “imagine” performed by the “Playing For Change Foundation.” Performers from around the world contributed to the production of the song.

Check out: http://playingforchange.com/

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