Visions of A Galactic Civilization

Will People of Earth Make the Cut?

Here’s a thought to ponder. Thousands of sperm cells make the swim to fertilize a single egg. Thousands of salmon are hatched, swim to the sea, but only a few will survive and then return to the headwaters to propagate. An oak tree drops thousands of acorns, only a few will become trees. Nature seems to work that way, creating an excess, but only a few will make the cut.

With that in mind… there are billions of stars throughout the galaxies, only a few will have planets that will sustain life at all, much less intelligent life with technological capabilities.   Very few of the planets with intelligent life will manage their natural abundance, rise above selfishness, and one day, become part of a galactic civilization.  Question is… will the people of Earth make the cut? ~ Larry Capra

Carl Sagan Said It Best

Who Speaks for the Earth ~ Carl Sagan

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A very authoritative site and reliable resource/ especially advising plant propagation

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