Health Care Reform Bill

Even if healthcare is not a right… it’s definitely a moral imperative!

This is my opportunity to weigh in on health care. Please, share your attention for a bit here…thanks

There is a fear tactic. It leads to a perception, that government managed health care will lead to people standing in line for health care. For some, finding a line of any kind to stand in would be a blessing.  I remember when the Height-Ashbury free clinic opened. Economically disadvantaged people seemed relieved to stand in a line a block long for any chance to see a doctor. To be sick or the parent of a sick child, in a society that doesn’t seem to care, leads to desperation and sometimes dangerous behavior.  Mal-contention is a social disease, that can erode the fabric of any civilization.

Rachel Maddow ~ Video

Anti Health Care Mobs

This a website for an extreme political action group originated and organized by corporate profiteers from the health insurance industry.
They are more like an angry lynch mob than democracy at work.

 Fight Back Against Health Insurance Lies

This is a short video documenting cases where individuals had to go to battle for the health they were entitled to.

Wendell Potter Interview with  Bill Moyers

“In his first extended television interview since leaving the health insurance industry, Wendell Potter tells Bill Moyers why he left his successful career as the head of Public Relations for CIGNA, one of the nation’s largest insurers, and decided to speak out against the industry.” (from PBS transcript)


John Stewart

John Stewart has turned against Obama and the Democrats. Democratic members of congress have shown their typical lack of spine, by letting the stooges of the republican party get away with their lynch mob tactics, that serve the rapacious appetites of the corporate elite, who have a strangle hold on our health care system.

Keith Olbermann

This last entry is an editorial video of Keith Olbermann; exposing our representatives from Washington, who are on the take from the insurance industry. He illustrates how these politicians, both republican and democrats alike, are serving the corporate elite and not citizens in need. For those who have health care paid for by their employer; I have one question. Are you prepared to pick up the tab for your own health care needs, if you lose your job?

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