Who Are the Great Classical Composers of Today? [video]

Ennio Morricone ~ Ecstasy of Gold from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Occasionally, I hear classical music lovers making the criticism that there aren’t any great contemporary composers of symphonic music.  These astute music lovers seem to be listening with an exclusionary bias.  If Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart were alive today… I’d wager, they’d be doing the same thing as the composers of today.  They’d be composing  scores for Continue reading “Who Are the Great Classical Composers of Today? “

Transcendental Magic

Psychedelic Video


This is a video I made using a slide show of my computer graphics (Designer Tiles) overlaid with an original sound track (Blue Raga). If ya got nine minutes to kill. Check it out… thanks.

© L Capra aka Zenabowli ~ Artistic Life Studios
All Rights Reserved

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All Creative Work Is Derivative



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We Are The World 25 For Haiti – Official Video


Every day I get out of a warm bed, put on a hot cup of coffee, grab a bite to eat out of the fridge and when it rains I go lay down and take a nap. These are the simple things we assume will be there. But take it from someone who has been displaced from the comforts of home (lived in a flood zone) more than once. IT AIN’T EASY. The experience quickly erodes a sense of security and hope and the only thing that sustains us is a caring community.

There are so many ways to share a little generosity. Just pick one and do it.

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Jaymay – One May Die So Lonely


Now this is the real thing.

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