Bill Moyers Journal

Playing for Change-Peace Through Music

I saw this article on Bill Moyers’ Journal on PBS.  This is an interview with Mark Johnson (producer and film maker). Mark films and records street performers and other obscure but talented musicians from around the world.  He takes these individual performances on the same song then produces a remarkable music video.

Note the headphones so the artists can hear the track in order to play their part. It’s technological genius.

Mark and the Playing for Change foundation use the funds they raise to build music schools in some of the most disadvantaged places in the world.

I found this to be inspiring and emotionally in keeping with what I feel about music and my sense of humanity.  Check this out,  I guarantee you will feel proud to be a human being. Thank you, Mark Johnson

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Playing For Change | Connecting The World Through Music

Mark Johnson has taken ‘sound on sound’ technology to levels never before imagined.  He produces a single song traveling all over the planet with audio/visual equipment to record musicians performing on separate tracks.  He then edits all of the tracks and video into a finished production. You should notice all of the performers are wearing headphones in order to hear the master track. 

This is an interview of Mark Johnson–producer and founder of the Playing for Change Foundation–with Bill Moyers.  Visionaries like Mark will always make me proud to be a human being.

Playing for Change


Playing for Change-Peace Through Music” I found this to be inspiring and emotionally in keeping with what I feel about music and my sense of humanity/ check this out

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